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Midé Technology



关于 Mide Technology

Midé Technology Corporation 设计、制造和销售一系列产品,这些产品利用了像压电材料、凝胶和形状记忆合金之类智能材料的独特特性。Midé 的 Volture™ 系列采用专利封装的压电振动能量收集器可为无线传感器网络提供高性价比传感器供电。


Goodness, respect and the meeting of obligations are literally the meaning of Midé and we, as a team, try to live those values each and every day. We are committed to ensuring a work environment that emphasizes inclusivity, respect for differences, acceptance and respect for all workers. We know words can only do so much, but we thought it was important for the Midé team to hear that we have always been and will remain steadfast in our commitment to inclusion and equality.

Mission Statement:

Create high-value innovative products

Vision Statement:

An agile company with proven ability to develop advanced engineering solutions. With the customer as part of the team, Midé generates innovative ideas, taking them from concept to product. Midé excels and delivers superior results when confronted with the most challenging of opportunities.

We take pride in helping you succeed.

Quality Policy:

Midé Technology Corporation is a leading provider of advanced engineering products and services. Midé is committed to providing customers with high-quality deliverables that are on-time, on budget, and meet their expectations through the use of a quality management system focused on continual improvement. Midé uses industry best practices in both execution and cost effectiveness.


Mide is a Hutchinson Company | Hutchinson, Mide & Mide's Brands

Mide is a Hutchinson Company. Mide's Brands include: enDAQ shock, vibration & environmental sensors & software; Piezo.com Offering high-value piezoelectric products and expert solutions; and Mide's HydroActive Seal Products.



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