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Linx Technologies



关于 Linx Technologies

Linx Technologies 开发和制造的无线产品让处于任何技术水平的工程师都可轻松使用,从而使无线技术变得更简单。公司为射频模块、远程控制器件、评估套件以及主要开发系统提供简单明了的硬件配置和清晰的文档。Linx 产品使工程师和业余爱好者可轻松集成无线特性,而无需从头开始费钱费力地设计射频功能。

Linx Technologies strives to make every engineer a hero in record time™ by minimizing the risk, delays, and technical challenges for design engineers to make their products wireless and connect to the Internet of Things (IoT). Linx manufactures wireless components including antennas, modules, remote controls and RF connectors. If you choose to incorporate our components in your design, we relentlessly focus on ensuring your successful product launch.

Our tag line is Wireless Made Simple™, meaning that we specialize in making the complex world of radio frequency easy for engineers of all skill levels to use. Unlike other wireless suppliers, every aspect of our products, documentation, support, and design experience are specifically crafted to achieve Wireless Made Simple.

Core Values

  • Highest integrity with everyone: Integrity is never compromised in our daily work. We pride ourselves on doing the right thing. We ensure that our work benefits the communities where we operate.

  • Profit is not the goal, it is the byproduct: Linx focuses on first providing the best quality products and service for the customer. In order, we focus on safety, quality, delivery and cost. We focus on delivering long-term benefits to customers and sustaining loyal, productive customer relationships.

  • Empower every engineer to become a hero: Linx helps to make the customer’s experience of implementing technology as simple as possible from the design of the product, to documentation and support, to ensuring the product is shipped timely without error. Every time we interact with a customer their experience with us should be positive.

  • Market leadership by thinking differently and innovatively: Linx focus on delivering a better offering to customers by being exceptionally well in all aspects from engineering, to sales, to operations. By asking what our customers value, what can we do better and delivering on that improvement.

  • We can do that: Linx has a bias for taking action by recognizing problems and opportunities. Employee’s suggest solutions and take initial steps while getting supervisor approval, rather than present issues and then waiting for direction We encourage an entrepreneurial spirit and can do attitude, while maintaining focus on what is most important. Employees need to be able to prioritize and to act with a sense of urgency when needed.

  • We are humble team players: No ego. Linx has a “we” instead of “I” mentality. We work collaboratively with customers, suppliers, and fellow associates at all levels toward mutual objectives. A blameless environment is maintained by focusing on issues rather than seeking to find who is at fault.

  • We learn by doing: Employees take the initiative to growth professionally by acquiring new skills and abilities, embracing and executing on strength assignments and proactively seeking and working on gaps in knowledge and skills.. We invest in the education and development of our team.

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