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关于 Harvatek Corporation

Harvatek Corporation is a leading manufacturer of semiconductor chips and LEDs with a wide spectrum of applications. The company designs, manufactures, tests, and exports these products to domestic and international OEM manufacturers, trade retailers, and design houses. With the highest quality products, unparalleled customer service, and perpetual emphasis on innovation, Harvatek has become one of the world’s most preferred LED suppliers. Harvatek has furthered its investment and research into compact surface mount LEDs commonly found in cell phones, PDAs, and notebook computers.. As one of the world's leader in the SMD LED technology, Harvatek is proficient in the design and manufacturing of SMD LEDs, providing excellent backlight, indication, and keypad lighting solutions for the mobile device industry.


本公司创立于1995年,主要研究开发二极体封装设计、制造、测试及产品进出口贸易业务,属于LED下游封装产业,在产业供应链中是关键性的策略伙伴,因应市场环境需求,追求企业永续经营。近年来个人通讯及消费性市场快速成长,使得具体积小、省电、使用寿命长及抗压功能之表面黏着型发光二极体获得大量运用,举凡智慧型手机、平板、笔记型电脑、各类显示屏、穿戴式应用产品与车用市场等之发光源、感应源元件均已大量使用中。目前本公司产品销售涵盖OEM 厂商、国内外通路代理商、贸易零售商、下游应用品制造商及Design House 等不同性质之客户。产品销售地区则遍及国内外市场,并以亚洲为首要。未来本公司计划开发之新商品及服务仍以SMD LED 之封装技术为主轴,以现有产品之衍生品、改良品,甚或整合型产品为主。并以「成为全球SMD LED 之技术领导厂商」及「成为“ 光” 概念公司」自我期许。



A Respectful Term for Host to Handle Everything.


To Treat all Post Projects and Processes as Our Customers.

