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Octavo Systems


Octavo Systems 的名称来自拉丁文,含义是“八分之一”。现在,octavo 这个单词还是用来描述一本由整张纸制作而成的、共十六页的书。所以,每页纸的大小都是原始纸张的 1/8。采用这种工艺,可以让书变得更小、更经济、更方便人们阅读。这就是 Octavo Systems 始终铭记的创立原则。

about Octavo Systems

The Mission

Octavo Systems’ mission is:

To improve the capability and value of our customers’ electronic systems by delivering innovative, high-quality System-in-Package solutions.

Pursuit of our mission will bring new technologies and new integration paths to innovative companies around the globe.  By creating SiP devices we are allowing the idea behind Moore’s law to continue as the industry transitions from System on Chip (SoC) as the system integration method to System in Package (SiP) technology as the solution of choice. Through our technology and design innovations we are making this technology more accessible to all, allowing for the continued development of smaller, more cost effective, and more innovative products.

The transition to System in Package will provide system designers a host of advantages including:

  • Quicker Time to Market

  • Smaller Size

  • Lower Total Cost of Ownership

We want to make sure this new era of integration is available to everyone and we strive to do everything we can to make sure you achieve your mission.  Everything from the design of our products, to our sales channel, to our support has been developed to make this technology accessible and to ensure your success.

The Vision

Simply stated our vision is that the semiconductor is in transition from creating homogeneous semiconductor components to creating heterogeneous system components.  With that transition, we believe you will have a more robust integration path for your present and future products.  With that understanding let’s look deeper into our vision.

The semiconductors industry is in transition 

For the last five decades, we have been able to double performance, double density, halve power and halve cost every 18 months to two years (depending on who said it and when they said it).  We called this phenomena “Moore’s Law” after Dr. Gordon Moore, based on a paper he wrote in 1965.  It has been an amazing ride, but as many times in the past we are, once again, seeing what could be the end of the era.  Fortunately, as we fear the era of Moore’s Law ending, there is a new era emerging.  This new era began its emergence a decade or so ago but seems to now be recognized as becoming a part of the mainstream semiconductor industry.  This new era is system level integration using System in Package (SiP) technology.

Before introducing this new era, let me describe the circumstances which are bringing it about:

  • We are near, if not at the end, of the industry’s interpretation of Moore’s Law: Each new process node is no longer giving the dividends we expect.

  • Moore’s Law Drives Divergent Silicon Processes

    The drive to remain on the expectations of Moore’s Law have divided the industry. The semiconductor process necessary to build optimal microprocessors is different from that needed for optimal high density memories, is different from that needed for optimal analog circuits, is different from that needed for optimal power management circuits, and, finally is different from that needed for optimal sensors.

  • With more transistors being integrated we are moving from creating components to be used in systems to integrating the complete system on one circuit. That is we have moved from the concept of an ASIC to the concept of a SoC.  System circuits, by their very nature, need a combination of processors, memories, analog and power management.  At the same time each system device requires a lower volume than unique components which can be used in multiple systems.

  • System designers have been conditioned to continuously expect lower cost, smaller, and more highly integrated components to help them achieve their design requirements.

The new era

The new era of integration changes the paradigm from integration on silicon to integration with silicon.  This paradigm shift allows us to continue to meet the expectations of system designers while breaking away from the constraints that the pursuit of Moore’s Law has put on us.  As with everything this new era of system integrations has benefits and issues.  Benefits include:

  • The ability to integrate optimally designed components into a single packaged device creating an optimal system solution.

  • The ability to use all three dimensions in the integration process.

  • The ability to integrate passives.

  • The ability to integrate more than just silicon based circuits.

The issues include:

  • The volumes per system device are significantly reduced from the typical volumes of semiconductor components.

  • Innovation in assembly and test (the back end) has not been encouraged beyond the ability to create higher yields and higher throughput. Both of which are aimed at reducing manufacturing cost rather than adding value to the end product.

And as any vision should include, it is our plan to speed up the transition to this new era of integration through our intellectual property and our products.  In doing so we will provide an integration path to you for your present and future products, allowing you to benefit from Moore’s law as it continues to transition from components to systems.

Contact Us to learn more about our vision and how it is going to change the way electronics are designed and manufactured.

The History

Octavo Systems, LLC was founded by three former Texas Instruments senior leaders.  It all started in 2013 over a discussion between two of the founders of how they could impact the semiconductor industry.  They believed that Moore’s law, as it was interpreted was missing a major transition of which the semiconductor industry was in the midst.  What they realized was that Moore’s Law was taking on a new interpretation, moving from the concept of integrating on silicon (SoC) to integrating with silicon (SiP).  As we have grown, we have strengthened our team and built a world class organization.










