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MinebeaMitsumi 是值得信赖的超精密机电组件制造商。公司总部位于日本东京,其全球制造基地遍布 22 个不同国家的 80 多个地点。他们致力于开发先进的技术解决方案,以满足日益增长的互联社会需求。NMB Technologies 是 MinebeaMitsumi 在美国的销售和市场部门,总部位于密歇根州的诺维。

从成立伊始,NMB 便与客户建立牢固的合作关系并对此深信不疑。他们为客户提供本地应用工程师协助,执行知识丰富的直销方式,并携手真正了解他们产品及质量的世界级分销商和当地销售代表,以此来践行对客户的承诺。他们的全球知名品牌包括用于超精密球轴承和风扇的 NMB、用于高质量步进和直流电机的 Minebea 以及用于高级无线、互连和射频技术的 Mitsumi。

NMB Technologies Corporation, a MinebeaMitsumi Group Company, is headquartered in Novi, Michigan, with offices in San Jose, CA, Chatsworth, CA, Boston, MA, Boulder, CO, and Seattle, WA. We offer Sales, Customer Service, Engineering, Quality, and Administrative support for all MinebeaMitsumi products in North America. Our expert Account Managers and Application Engineers work closely with our customers to create solutions tailored for Automotive, Consumer Technology, Industrial, Medical, Smart City, and Lighting products. We work closely with our sister company, NMB-Minebea de Mexico in Queretaro, Mexico, to provide support across North America.

NMB (USA) Inc.

NMB (USA) Inc., located in Chatsworth California, is the headquarters for MinebeaMitsumi’s North American Group of Companies. NMB (USA) Inc. was created in 1984 as a holding company to manage MinebeaMitsumi’s United States subsidiaries: NMB Technologies Corporation and New Hampshire Ball Bearings, Inc.

New Hampshire Ball Bearings

New Hampshire Ball Bearings, Inc. (NHBB) is a leading manufacturer of precision bearings and complex bearing assemblies for the aerospace, defense, medical, dental, and high technology markets. NHBB’s diverse product mix includes precision miniature and instrument ball bearings, large ball and roller bearings for aircraft engines, and specialized rod end and spherical bearings for diverse aircraft applications. The company operates three manufacturing facilities in the US and employs over 1,500 workers. Founded in Peterborough, NH in 1946, NHBB was purchased in 1985 by the global manufacturing conglomerate, MinebeaMitsumi.


As a company with its origins in the business of machined components including ball bearings as well as rod end bearings and pivot assemblies for aircraft, MinebeaMitsumi has expanded the business arena for motors, lighting devices, measuring components and other electronic devices. With production and sales bases in Japan, Thailand, China, the Philippines, and countries all over Asia as well as Europe and the Americas, MinebeaMitsumi today is a global corporation employing 100,000 people world wide. From the smartphone in the palm of your hand to the HALCA satellite’s rocket, MinebeaMitsumi’s products have a wide array of applications in our homes, offices, and the industrial world.




