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关于 Breadware, Inc.

Breadware, Inc. 是一家电气工程咨询公司,开发了一种可帮助人们快速构建全功能电子原型的产品。Breadware 是一个可扩展的、易使用的实用设备原型开发平台,能够让创业者、业余爱好者和企业快速构建和迭代原型开发和技术产品规格,然后与 ODM 和制造合作伙伴对接,实现量产。Breadware, Inc. 创立于 2015 年 11月,其愿景就是让电子设计过程经济可行,并能为所有人所用。

Breadware helps businesses successfully launch IoT technologies by creating smart solutions that deliver dramatically positive impacts. Beginning as a niche product development firm, we’ve now helped start-ups to Fortune 100 companies move their IoT products from concepts to market successes.

We believe in IoT

We believe that thoughtful, well-designed IoT products are a positive force in our lives, our communities, and our world. We exist to empower the innovators, the entrepreneurs, the business leaders to be successful in IoT and to make an impact for good.

See our Success Stories of IoT products that are making people’s lives better.

Breadware’s Origin Story

Frustrated at how costly and difficult it was to get a connected product to market, Breadware was founded in 2015 to be a conduit for businesses build and deploy IoT products with less pain.

Our first landlord was Virgil Elings, an entrepreneur known for commercializing atomic force microscopy. A bit eccentric, he used this Santa Ynez wine country mansion solely for storing part of his vintage motorcycle collection.

Elings offered to move the motorcycles so we could run the company and live there because one of our founders impressed him by machining a custom part for one of his motorcycles that he could no longer find.

As the company grew, HQ was moved to Reno to be part of the growing tech community.

Breadware was acquired by our longtime client, StoneAge, Inc., in spring of 2020, and acquired IoT software company, Medium One, at the beginning of 2022.

We at Breadware are on a mission to empower our clients to improve the world by helping them create simple, connected, and scalable IoT solutions.










