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关于 CEL (California Eastern Laboratories)

CEL 是射频和光电元件以及射频模块的稳定供应商。作为 Renesas Electronics Corporation 在北美的复合半导体器件销售和营销的专属合作伙伴,CEL 前身为 NEC Electronics Corporation,提供射频晶体管、射频 IC、RF 开关 IC、光耦合器、固态继电器、光纤器件(激光器和检测器)以及紫蓝色激光二极管。

此外,CEL 还设计和制造 MeshWorks™ 和 MeshConnect™ 系列的 IEEE 802.15.4、ZigBee 专业级无线解决方案,是 ZigBee 和 Thread Alliances 的成员。CEL 的理想定位是,为客户提供量身定做的硬件和软件产品,满足他们的特定需求,极大地简化了设计并缩短了上市时间。

60+ Years of RF/Wireless experience.

For over 6 decades, CEL has been providing world class wireless and optical products, with specialized support, to OEMs needing wireless communication. Built around the customer, CEL provides extensive technical support to assist customers in adding connectivity to their products; this includes:

  • Detailed documentation

  • Device testing

  • evaluation boards

  • Software and Development tools

  • Design reviews

  • End-product performance verification

The Connectivity team specializes in offering industry-leading performance and high-quality embedded radios to OEMs needing connectivity. Our Components group focuses on RF/Microwave switches and low-noise FETs. Our support team is located in North America, fostering an easy and convenient collaboration between us and your development team. Our mission is to make customers successful, which drives our success.




